Monday, November 21, 2011

What's in a Name?

"Some to the fascination of a name, Surrender judgment hoodwinked." - William Cowper

In the field of work I'm in, I have seen my fair share of inappropriate baby names.  It pains me to see that people don't respect their children enough to give them decent names.  It's like their children aren't people, they're possessions, or worse yet, jokes.  There are those who name their children cutesy stupid names:  Abcde (Pronounced "Ab-suh-dee" -- "Hooked on Phonics worked for me"); criminal-esque names:  Cocaine, Mary Jane, Phelony; and even "evil" names: Lucifer, Natas ("Satan" backwards).  What stupid baby names have you come across?  Should parents be allowed to name their kid whatever they want, even if it's "Cocaine"?

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